Monday, August 31, 2009

New Favorite Piece of the Internet: Anywhere Pogo Is!

Pogo tracks & videos are what you need in your life! This guy uses clips from movies, adds a little extra fun stuff, and its exciting and fun! The music has an ambient/chill sound and are awesome on their own but paired with the visual of spliced scenes from the movie they're amazing. There's a sense of beauty and magic while you're listening and watching. Its fun to see the timing of events, movements, beats, and sounds in their synchronicities. Granted it is a bit repetitive its not a repetition that you mind, I actually forgot about it. I became entranced!! I watched the Hook one 3 times in a row! Then I proceeded to follow and click on every link that lead to him and I had an account on xD Someone said he was reminiscent of Moby and I'll add Susumu Hirasawa to the mix 'cause that's what I thought of off rip.
Its like another way to experience your childhood! He's done movies such as Alice in Wonderland, Hook, Harry Potter, and Mary Poppins. Once you listen-and watch the vids especially-your childhood will thank you.

And now I introduce to you a few of my faves for your enjoyment

Alice seems to be the most popular and the one that started it all

This one started it all for me and is the most exciting & magical in my opinion!

There's a Harry Potter one so of course I had to add it! I love that it uses the spell Ron attempted to turn Scabbers yellow. AND it has the Richard Harris Dumbledore xD

Mary Poppins! This makes the children seem sweeter and Mary even MORE fun!

This one makes me wish the candy store in the mall was just as bangin! I'd be there everyday

This vid's a little different than the others in that it doesn't use a movie, but Vader's got some pretty pimp dance moves. You know you gon' try 'em next time you in the club!

Want more?
Pogo on youtube
Pogo on myspace
Pogo on

Enjoy ;D

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